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The Secret Sauce Behind Building an Elastic API

Posted by The XUMO Engineering Team on Sep 7, 2016 3:21:55 PM

If you're using or currently plan on using a CDN provider with a web service API, here's a look at how to achieve flexibility.

As seen in Streaming Media Magazine.

The XUMO platform is built on a number of discrete application programming interface (API) and representational state transfer (REST) services designed with flexibility to support both proprietary internal clients here at XUMO as well as the external clients of our partners. We've taken great care and attention to design our API in a manner that is not prescriptive to any single client, but instead to offer a capable and flexible environment that can cater to the differing implementations of our clients.

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Topics: Technical

A New Way to TV: How OTT is Enabling the Democratization of Television

Posted by Colin Petrie-Norris on May 11, 2016 10:24:54 AM

As well-adjusted adults, we may have learned to suppress our self-indulgent tendencies in favor of social etiquette, but that doesn’t mean the inner voice demanding instant gratification is ever truly silenced. I don’t know about you, but my inner voice sounds remarkably like Queen: 

“I want it all.

I want it all.

I want it all.

And I want it now!”

 The time has come to take these words to heart. 

“On-demand” (as it relates to products and services) is something that has characterized the last couple of decades, but the truth is, we—as a consumer culture—have always desired and championed on-demand access to the various things we consume. This is why disruptive tech and business models like Amazon Prime and Uber are so successful. Today’s connected consumers know exactly what they want, when they want it, and where to get it—and successful brands are the ones that are able to deliver on all counts. This intersection of technology and an on-demand culture represents a great shift in how brands win customers. The customer experience is paramount, and convenience is the name of the game—and this attitude is changing the parameters of success across all industries.

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Topics: Industry

What are we watching, if not TV?

Posted by Fern Feistel on Feb 5, 2016 3:41:10 PM

Reports surface every week that hail the demise of TV and highlight the shortcomings of cable networks. However, it’s important to note that these trends are merely symptoms. They are symptoms of a larger, cultural change spearheaded by the generation of yours truly—the *in James Earl Jones’ voice* millennials. We are consuming more than any other generation and are, as a result, reshaping digital consumption and the future of video production, as we you know it. Habits are hard to break, but if an alternative to your habit is presented, you find that it’s easier to shift gears—pivot, if you will—and form new habits. Our habit of being a couch potato and tied down by our DVR has nearly come to an end. Don’t get me wrong, we still want to consume the same, if not more, content. We are just extremely adept at finding streaming it from various places/applications via two, maybe three, screens. Let’s take a deeper look at my generation, an even younger generation, and how our changing habits are transforming the broadcast and pay TV world, as you know it. 

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Topics: Industry

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