Ready to binge. How we felt when we heard Amazon is making a prequel Lord of the Rings series, and also how we feel about this next batch of videos we’ve got for ya! This week on the Junk Food Blog, we’re starting out with coverage on Trump’s recent Asia trip, followed by Roy Moore’s statement on his alleged sexual misconduct. Then, we’re diving into some Wikileaks and rounding everything out (including our bellies), with Thanksgiving Day side dish recipes! Turn down the lights, turn up the volume, and enjoy!

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Wave goodbye to daylight savings time, and say hello to this week’s Junk Food Blog! This week we’ve got videos covering the Texas Church Shooting, NFL quarterback debates, and a few Thanksgiving videos because we’re too excited to wait another two weeks to start talking turkey and all things T-day. Ready, set, STREAM!
Topics: Junk Food Blog
What came first: the cheese, or the patty? While Google was trying to solve the emoji-mergency of the decade, the rest of the country had their eyes on a couple other issues this week. We’re looking at you Paul Manafort, Rick Gates and Kevin Spacey. This week on the Junk Food Blog, we’ve got videos on all of the above, plus coverage on the Call of Duty WWII release. And just for good measure, we also included a FailArmy compilation of strange things because we’re in denial after finishing the second season of Stranger Things already. Happy November, everybody!
Topics: Junk Food Blog