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Specials of the Week: Thanksgiving

Posted by XUMO on Nov 22, 2016 3:31:22 PM

It’s almost Black Friday’s Eve—or, as some of you may still remember it from the good ol’ days, Thanksgiving. Before you strap on those trusty Thanksgiving pants with the elastic waistband to help maximize your pumpkin pie intake, take a moment to head over to XUMO. We’ve got you covered with delectable dessert recipes, ideas for what to do with your leftovers and invaluable advice for how to discuss politics with your loved ones during the holiday. Happy Thanksgiving from the XUMO team! 

The Onion—How to Discuss Politics with Your Loved Ones

Just when we thought the election was over and we could go a week without discussing politics, something horrible happens…family comes over for Thanksgiving. And in every family there are invariably a few (or more) crazies. And the kookier your beloved Crazy Aunt Helen is, the more vocal she’s going to be about her political views. Not to worry! The Onion has been kind enough to put together some tips for discussing politics with family this holiday season with gems like “Regularly remind yourself not to let political differences affect your personal relationships with your family. That’s the job of your grandfather’s estate.” and “Begin any counterpoint by irately screaming ‘I respectfully disagree!’ inches from your loved one’s face.” With tips like these, what could go wrong?

*By reading this paragraph, you have agreed not to blame XUMO for your family’s inevitable falling out this Thanksgiving! 

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Topics: Junk Food Blog

Specials of the Week: Nov 14

Posted by XUMO on Nov 14, 2016 1:44:17 PM

Charlie Chaplin once said, “A day without laughter is a day wasted.” We couldn’t agree more—and, if you don’t agree, then take it up with Charlie (and maybe your therapist because that’s pretty dark). For everyone else, XUMO is putting some respek on the names of some of today’s greatest comedians this month and, because we feel like we’re friends and we can tell you things, we’re highlighting a few especially funny clips below. Check them out on XUMO! 

Funny or Die—President George Bush (Will Ferrell) Gets His Gopher

It’s been a grueling election season, but let’s not talk about Trump or Hillary. Instead, let’s all enjoy America’s favorite president of all time—Will Ferrell as former President George Bush. Funny or Die has all kinds of hilarious Will Ferrell clips in arguably his most famous role, and we strongly recommend you check out his video announcing he killed the gopher that had been vexing him only to find out midway through his speech that we got Bin Laden, leading him to exclaim, “Well that’s two good things!”

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Topics: Junk Food Blog

Specials of the Week: #ElectionResults

Posted by XUMO on Nov 9, 2016 1:40:01 PM

And that’s a wrap. Whether you’re elated, devastated or just deeply, deeply concerned, the election is over. We know Donald Trump is the President-Elect, but beyond that there’s still a lot to unpack. How will this unprecedented and unlikely election result impact financial markets and the world economy? Will Trump be gracious in victory? How are Trump’s supporters reacting around the world? XUMO has all the bases covered with clips, highlights and analysis from last night’s historic election result.

Bloomberg Politics—Trump and the Markets

In this clip, Bloomberg Politics takes a closer look at economic policy and the markets in a Trump Presidency. Trump’s strong views on immigration, trade and foreign policy lend to uncertainty which can often lead to volatility in the markets. There are a lot of variables and only time will tell, but this XUMO video does a great job of laying out the groundwork for understanding the economic implications of this historic election.

Newsy—Donald Trump Victory Speech

Donald Trump opened by saying he had spokenwith Secretary Clinton and the two had congratulated each other on a hard fought campaign. He then stated unequivocally that he would be President for all Americans, not just his supporters. He also spoke directly to the world community, emphasizing that while he would put America’s interests first, he would pursue fair trade deals with foreign countries. Check out the highlights from the Donald Trump victory speech here on XUMO.

TIME—Hillary Clinton CampaignChief Addresses the Crowd

In the early hours of the morning, Hillary Clinton Campaign Chief John Podesta addressed a decidedly bewildered and uneasy New York City crowd gathered to support Hillary Clinton at the Javits Center. He told them that every vote counts and that some states were still too close to call. He asked everyone to go home and get some sleep. By the time people woke, it had become clear Trump was the victor. Hillary Clinton is still planning to deliver a concession speech but catch highlights from John Podesta’s remarks last night here on XUMO.

Reuters—Europe’s Far-Right Celebrates Trump Victory

It’s difficult to find anyone who doesn’t have strong feelings about the 2016 election, and that extends well beyond America’s borders. The far-right wing across Europe is toasting Trump’s victory (quite literally in Russia) and acknowledging the significance of thishistoric election outcome for the world’s most powerful country. No doubt this election will have an impact on each of these countries as well. XUMO has you covered with a recap of Trump supporters reacting across Europe.

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Topics: Junk Food Blog